Yair Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu has defended his son after his recent tape recordings were leaked to Israeli TV. The leaked tape saw the first child of Benjamin, Yair Netanyahu begging money from Ori Maimon, the son of Kobi Maimon, Israel gas tycoon.


                             From left, Yair, Sara(m) and Benjamin Netanyahu

Yair Netanyahu was heard on tape bragging to Ori; "My father did a good deal for you, brother. You have to be good to me. We fought in the Knesset for it, brother. My father battled for it, I remember." He was trying to get 400 Shekels from Ori, something over a few $100.

Yair had made the statement at the same time his father was clouded in controversy of the deal, with critics calling the deal that sees to the dividing of future income between state and private companies is corrupt.

In a statement released by the Netanyahu family, Yair had nothing to do with gas deal, and the statement he makes to his friend on the deal was just a joke. The family released a statement saying;

Every parent that watched the report should think how they would react if every false expression of their kids was turned into a headline on Channel 2, and every time they left the house, it was turned into an investigation and every conversation was turned into a hidden recording.

The PM has no connection with Kobi Maimon, whom he met only once about 10 years ago. The PM brought about the gas protocols because he wanted to encourage competition to the Tamar gas field under the ownership of Kobi Maimon.

Yair also released a statement, and went on to attack Channel 2, the station that released the recordings;

This evening, I watched the embarrassing 'yellow' report that showed an illegal hidden recording from a conversation that took place two-and-a-half years ago,In a night-time conversation, under the influence of alcohol, I said nasty things about women and other things that should not have been said. These things don't represent the person I am, the values I was educated on and what I believe.

Former Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak in a tweet on Monday mocked the Netanyahu family, he tweeted;

Compassion for the son? It's impossible to get him back on the tracks because he was never on track. A narcissist that grew up in the mud of stinking corruption, with kickbacks of billions and grey deals on account of [the people of Israel].

Yair is once again in the news after he posted a meme targeting his father political enemies. The image was anti-semitic, and draw criticism from from netizens, but also got Yair a thumbs up from the Ku klux klan leader, David Duke.