Facebook Is Working To Launch A New Dislike Button

A lot of debate had ensued on Facebook about people liking other people bad news on Facebook, and the CEO of Facebook once said that the company is not going to implement a dislike button, comparing the button to the downvotes people get on Reddit.

But during the Town hall meeting on Tuesday at the company's headquarters in California, Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the button will not be used to downvote others status, but instead will be used to show different emotions, instead of the like button.


               Photo courtesy: Mashable

Mark Zuckerberg said;

People have asked about the 'dislike' button for many years, and probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it,"

He said that the company has held back on the dislike button because it doesn't want it to be like reddit, a forum where you cna go ahead and upvote or downvote status.

That isn't what we're here to build in the world,We don't want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people's posts.

That doesn't seem like the kind of community that we want to create: You don't want to go through the process of sharing some moment that was important to you in your day and have someone 'downvote' it, 

What they really want is the ability to express empathy. Not every moment is a good moment,

If you share something that's sad like a refugee crisis that touches you or a family member passes away, it may not be comfortable to like that post…I do think it's important to give people more options than liking it.

Mark Zuckerberg did not say exactly when the feature will be shipped out for testing, but testing of the new feature will be available soon for some users.