Adobe photoshop

Designing and developing a website is sometimes stressful, you try to look at a befitting spot for different tab or block. You are faced with where can I place my header on this website, where can I insert the tweet block that will display my recent tweets, where is the right place for some contents and many more.

What about if you can run a prototype of  your whole idea in less than 1 minute. I am introducing everyone to Velositey


With Velositey to the rescue, what you have to do is a drag and drop the header anywhere you want it, now you know the best spot for your social media. Velositey is a photoshop extension, so if you have the photoshop software, go ahead and install the velositey extension here.  Moreover, Velositey is also open-source software, which means it is completely free. This is not a tool that was created  for the developer or just for designers. It was a tool that was created for both designers and also the developers.

Velositey is the all-in-one extension you should have if you are a web developer or designer.


Watch how a website is done in a minute below