Josephine King

First African Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia has kicked out a 92-year-old, Josephine King, away from the church because she no longer pays her tithes. Josephine was sad after she received the letter from the church she had served for 50 years.


In the letter that was skimmed by Gerald Simmons, it says :

Josephine King is no longer considered a member of the First African Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia.Ms. King "has shown non-support" towards the church in the areas of "constant and consistent financial and physical participation.

The letter, signed by Senior Pastor Derrick Mike

According to Simmons, his aunt was shocked and stunned when she received the letter, and family members hope that Josephone situation will bring changes to other churches in the nation doing such.

He further explains that Ms King was considered sick and a shut-in for several months, and that was the reason for her lack of attendance. Simmons explains that her aunt is not the first person that has been kicked out from the church because of tithing issues, but hope that the situation on the ground now will stop such tradition.

You have to have money to make these churches run, but it's not about money,” Simmons said. "It's about God. You have to put God first."

The church is yet to respond to the allegations.
