Who is Stella Dimokokorkus

Stella Dimokokorkus is one of the top-rated bloggers in Nigeria. You can never mention first-five blogs in Nigeria without mentioning Stella's blog.  The lady is known for exclusive news, sports, gossips, Chronicles of a blog visitor, Saturday laughs among others.

Who Is Stella Dimokokorkus? I had known her through some of her controversial gists, Stella is a type of lady that will write a news as it happened, she does not shade out names or try to hide behind her computers. The former encomium employee and university of Benin graduates has shown that she is not just one of those people writing news/blogs by mistake, it is what she has been doing and you can see it whenever she posts anything on her website.

                 Stella Dimokokorkus

Stella is being a source of inspiration to a lot of her blog visitors whom she nicknamed SDKers. She does listen, advise them and sometimes does share gifts via her platform. Stella Dimokorkorkus had been in different controversial topics with the high and low of the society, trying to coerce this lady by threats is simply a complete waste of time and energy. She had replied every threat and handle them with kid glove, when nobody knows how to break a story in Nigeria, send it to Stella. 

She is fearless and doesn't allow herself to be gagged. Though a lot of people might think of her as a hard-hearted personality, wait until you meet or talk to her in person. She is another nice soul, will listen to you and talk to you in a way you will be amazed.

Most celebrities will hide from her eagle eye view, because Stella does not remove or add to the story, she drops it like its hot. Even though she writes a lot about people, it is very difficult to get Stella's picture online. You would have believed a lady of her popularity and controversies will be with different pictures, but it is not true, she succeeded in making sure you can get just 1 or 2.

 Stella No doubt is the iron lady of bloggers in Nigeria.

 Doy News
