Democratic Party

There is trouble in paradise for the Clintons, days after Hillary Clinton lost the election to Business mogul, Donald Trump. According to Bill Clinton’s closest advisers who was with him in Bill's Little Rock penthouse, there was a shouting match between who was to blame for Hillary losing the election to Trump.

The story was revealed by bestselling author Ed Klein, who wrote the recent tension for MailOnline.


According to the adviser, Hillary had blamed the election misfortune on FBI director, James Comey,after the director opened up on her private use of the Email server, something he claimed the agency found on Huma Abedin ex-husband, Anthony Weiner.

Bill Clinton rejected the claims and instead said Hillary campaign had turn deaf ears to the impact the weak economy is having on the working class voters. 

According to Klein;

Bill always campaigned as a guy who felt your pain, but Hillary came across as someone who was pissed off at her enemy [Trump], not someone who was reaching out and trying to make life better for the white working class.

As shouting match between the couple goes on, it was reported Bill Clinton was red and getting redder is aides are thinking he might have a heart attack. He was so angry he threw his phone off the roof of his penthouse.

Bill Clinton felt he was ignored by Hillary Clinton top advisers when he advised that they use the economy as a centrepiece for her campaign. He urged them to connect with people that have lost their jobs because of globalization and revolutions in technology.

According to the source;

Bill also said that many African Americans were deeply disappointed with the results of eight years of Obama.

Despite more and more government assistance, black weren't economically any better off, and black-on-black crime was destroying their communities. He said Hillary should have gone into the South Side of Chicago and condemned the out-of-control violence.

Watch Hillary Clinton Concession speech.



Following the leaked email scandals with the Democratic party leaders favouring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator have decided to quit the Democratic party and will stay as an Independent senator.

In the recent DNC, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton as the nominated candidate, and now that he has quit the party, Hillary Clinton would hope she would be able to hang on to the 13million people who voted for him during the party primaries.


Sander was an Independent candidate when he was elected as Vermont senator, but was accepted by the Democrats when he made his intention known for running as the United State president.

The news of Sander quitting the party and returning to being independent means that he is not looking to be in line or looking for a position in the Hillary's government. According to leaked emails last week, it's shown that senior officials, including the Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz were against Bernie Sanders campaign, and was forced to resign her position.

While Bernie Sanders decided to leave the party, he has called for more heads to roll over the party emails leak. Sanders said;

  We need a DNC which has as very different direction, I honestly don’t know many of the people there. But my guess is we’re going to need new leadership, a new direction and new personnel.

During the party convention, Sanders urged his followers to vote Hillary Clinton as the next US president, but most of Bernie supporters have joined a group called "Bernie or Bust" and have said they won't be voting Hillary in the election.

