A British Politician, Jo Cox Had Died After She Was Shot And Stabbed Repeatedly

A British MP, Jo Cox, 41,  had died after she was stabbed and shot on the street in a village in northern England where she was meeting with local constituents. The mother of two was left left bleeding on the pavement in Birstall, 200miles north of London, before airlifted to a local hospital where she died about an hour later.


                                                        Jo Cox

According to eyewitnesses, her attacker was heard yelling "put Britain first", and the attacker has been named locally as Tommy Mair.

Police have arrested the  52 year old man after the attack, someone neighbours have described as "a loner"


                                           Tommy Mair, Jo Cox killer

Releasing a statement after the incident, Chief Constable Dee Collins said the killing was a lone incident and will not be looking for anyone else in connection to the attack. 

Though it is not clear if the attack is linked to the EU debate or Cox was deliberately targeted in the attack, as she campaigned for the "remain" group. Both campaigns "Leave and Remain" had both suspended their campaigns and have sent condolences in light of the attack.