A 44-year old Anti-Putin blogger, Imran Aliev, 44, has just been found dead in a hotel in Northern France, with is throat sliced, and multiple stab wound on his chest. Aliev is well known for his...
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A 44-year old Anti-Putin blogger, Imran Aliev, 44, has just been found dead in a hotel in Northern France, with is throat sliced, and multiple...

Is free speech in jeopardy in Europe? This is the questions on the lips of many observers after the French government issues a threat to 3 French...

A Russian man, Alexander Altapov, 30, has been sentenced to 25 years in jail after he raped a 20 year old architectural student, Viktoria Povesma...

Fouad Belkacem, an ISIS supporter that used his group, Sharia4Belgium to send dozens of Jihadist to Syria is currently facing deportation after an...

A man early this morning shouted "Allahu Akbar" in the eastern city of Belgium, Liege - before opening fire, killing a passerby and two cops were...

According to Belgian intelligence reports, some documents from Gulf Arab-financed mosques promotes the anti-Semitic and stereotypes of jews, and...

Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, Riho Terras claimed that last September, Russia military simulated a full scale war against the NATO....

French President Emmanuel Macron has called out the U.S, Israel and Saudi Arabia government for its conspiracy to turn the world against Iran, and...

Russia president, Vladmir Putin has announced he will be running for re-election again in the 2018 National election. Putin has been in power...

Catalonia has decided to take the high road and declare independence from Spain. This is a wish of the Catalonia people. Around 43% that had voted...