Nigeria Satellite/Cable Television (DSTV) Removes "I Am Cait" From TV programs

Multichoice Cable television (DSTV) in Nigeria has decided to listen to complaints from their customers, and removed the transgender docu-series of Caitylin Jenner "I am Cait" from their program schedule. The program was removed from the DSTV channel 124 and GOtv channel 24, and DSTV in a statement assured its customers to review their complaints and make sure their complaints is given top priority.


According to Olajide Obi, official from DSTV;

The company also reminds their subscribers that Dstv and Gotv decoders are encrypted with the parental control feature that empowers parents with ultimate control over what young viewers can watch. “The company also encourages parents to make use of this feature as much as possible to ensure that their children only watch what their parents deem appropriate.

Caitlyn Jenner, who was once a male and gold medal-winning track star who set a world record in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics as Bruce Jenner, joined the famous reality TV, Keeping up with the Kardashians.

In 2015, Bruce ended the speculation of the media who had said she had been doing things as a lady,  and acting as one when she came out as a transgender, and a new name "Caitlyn Jenner". The program from E! Entertainment was to show the gradual transformation and challenges Caityln is facing as a transgender.

This is the second transgender docu-series Nigerians would complain to get removed on the cable network. Last year, the cable televison, listened to complaints from subscriber to shut down the "I am Jazz", a docuseries on various transgender teens.

Transgender and homosexuality are frowned upon in Nigeria, and offenders can be thrown to 15 years in prison.