A lot of people will go to any length into losing their weight, and science has come with a new study that the bacteria living inside our faeces might play an important role into people losing weight, especially obese people.
The research group from the Massachusetts General Hospital writes in their research that;
Multiple lines of evidence suggest that gut microbiota play an important role in regulating human metabolism. In this study, subjects will receive (fecal microbiota transplant) capsules from lean metabolically healthy donors to study effects on body weight and insulin sensitivity.
Also past research has used mice as a test subject, where the poop of an obese person was given to a mice, and also the poop of a lean person was given to the other mice. They were all kept under the same conditions, and the mice with the poop from an obese person gained weight, while the mice with the poop of a lean person stay same.
More than 30 obese people have been chosen for human trial, where they will be given poop bacteria in a capsule from a lean host and will be watched over a period of 12 weeks.
The Study shows that the obese bacteria can't form a colony in a body full of lean bacteria, but the lean bacteria can form its colony in an obese body. It is an with just the transfer of the bacteria.