Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting After Promising Dirt On Hillary Clinton Two Days Before Meeting Russian Agent

Donald Trump had denied knowing about the meeting between Russian agent and his son, Donald Trump Jr., but as invesigation into Russian meddling intensifies, and former Trump lawyer now sings for Robert Mueller, there are new reports that Donald Trump himself knew of the meeting.

Trump who seems to have known about the meeting inform his followers during a campaign stop that he got dirt on Hillary and Bill Clinton, and will release a report soon in 2 days. Though Donald Trump never delivered on the promise as it seems he never got any good information from the Russian agent.


Donald Trump and his then campaign manager, Paul Manafort met with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016 with the hope of getting damaging information on Hillary Clinton, but she failed to deliver to the men, and candidate Donald Trump was unable to then unable to deliver on his promise.


                           Watch Donald Trump talked about releasing dirt on Hillary two days before his meeting (Watch from 7:08)

Trump had denied the meeting, but Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg also told CNN’s Jake Tapper earlier this year that Trump knew about the meeting. In the latest book fire and fury, former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told Michael Wolffe  the same thing,  saying the chances of Donald Jr. not walking to the 26th office with the attorney is zero.'

Also, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen has also told special counsel Robert Mueller that he would discuss everything he knows about the Trump tower's meeting.