Vietnam’s Ministry of Health Fined URC Vietnam $260,000 For Lead Contamination In Its Drinks

The Vietnam’s Ministry of Health has fined the Philippine beverage company and maker of C2 and Red dragon $260,000 after the investigation found that green tea C2 manufactured on February 2 and two batches of energy drink Rong Do (Red Dragon) on November 10 and February 19, contained lead contamination level of 0.053 to 0.085 mg/l, above the permitted limit of 0.05 mg/l.

United Robina company was fined for breaking food safety rules. The Ministry had ordered that URC Vietnam call-back the batches of products that were affected by the contamination, but it was too late as more than  VND3.9 billion ($174,200) had already been sold, local media reports.


The ministry said that the company both warehouses failed safety regulations and spoilt products was stored next to the products that was meant to go on sale.

Though there were reports of conflicting results, but the Ministry of Health has decided to go ahead with its own findings that reveals the contaminated products.

The lead contamination scandal is one of the biggest in Vietnam and also in the Philippines as there were allegation of bribery to officials to close the scandal in-house, and also some journalists were also reported to have received bribes not to write anything on the contamination.

There are also reports that three other batches that were sold contained high lead too, but the Ministry is trying to determine the exact number of contaminated bottle. Also there is a recall on the bottles too, but no cash fines has been imposed on these three batches.


Ministry Of Health In Vietnam Has Suspended C2 And Red Dragon Circulation As Leads Content Exceed Certain Level