Oscar Pistorius Charged With Murder Of Reeva Steenkamp After 2 Years

Oscar Pistorius, the paralympian charged with manslaughter of girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's day 2013 have now been re-sentenced, and has been charged with murder of his girlfriend.In South Africa, murder conviction could see the paralympian spending 15 years behind bars.

This is a new twist to one of the protracted legal saga that had started since the death of Steenkamp. Oscar argued in court that he had thought Steenkamp was an intruder, and he shot four times through the bathroom door, killing the model and law graduate.


Oscar was sentenced to 5 years initially, for manslaughter, but prosecutors have argued that he should be charged/convicted for the murder, and their appeal was received on November 3.

Oscar lawyers are likely to argue the 15 year sentencing, considering his physical disability and mental stress. He had been released on October 19th after a parole board granted him parole and place him under house arrest, this is in line with a guideline that says that non-dangerous prisoners should spend only one-sixth of a custodial sentence behind bars.

Five judges on the appeal panel unanimously approved the legal reversal of the previous verdict. In a statement by judge Eric Leach, the statement of the paralympian is "untruthful".

Oscar will remain under house arrest at his uncle masnion in Pretoria, until he will be re-sentenced.