Bashar al-Assad

The Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad has blasted the U.S for its pursuit of hegemony, thereby causing havoc and collapse of states. al-Assad said in a new interview with Iranian magazine Tehran, Foreign Policy Studies Quarterly on Wednesday.


The president said that the real motive of Washington intervention into foreign countries is to coerce them into submitting into their authority;

United States builds its position on hegemony over other states and it has been the case since they took advantage of the USSR collapse and established unilateral control over this world up to this day.

Today, the United States are waging wars with the only goal to cement its project of total control by launching attack on everyone, who opposes its dominance.

Assad believes that Washington is losing its grip, but cannot accept the fact that it is no longer in charge of global affairs.

What is happening in Syria is an attempt to save what is left from the American and western hegemony in the world. The only one thing the Americans have succeeded is creating problems and destroying states, no more than that.

Russian has been helping Syrian government confront since September last year. According to Russia’s UN envoy and the current UN Security Council President Vitaly Churkin on Monday said he believes “had it not been for our [Russian] involvement in Syria, it might well be that the black flags would be flying over Damascus.”

