Bill clinton african american son

A boy in Arkansas, Danney Williams, 27, is claiming to be Bill Clinton's son. According to Danney, Bill allegedly had an affair with his mother, Bobbie Ann Williams 30 years ago, and this leads to a pregancy, which Bill Clinton denied, and had never acknowledged him as his son.


Danney said that Bill Clinton also did not want to accept him as a son outside his marriage with his wife, Hillary Cinton, as he was running for the presidency at the time. Danney complained that Bill never showed him any parental support or pay a cent in parental support.

Danney has not started a campaign that will allow Bill Clinton acknowledged him as a son, and if he is in doubt provide a DNA that will prove his paternity. 


The boy's campaign may be a dent to Hillary Clinton presidential ambition as she takes on Benny Sanders for Democratic party nomination.
