Cốc Cốc

A new Google Chrome based browser targeted for Vietnamese market is what we will talk about in this post. The browser called  Cốc Cốc is one of the browsers using the chromium open source code to build its own browser targeting Vietnamese.

The  Cốc Cốc which started as Co Rom+ but later changed its name is currently gaining stance in the Vietnam open market as users had chose the browser because of the features integrated in nside the browser that other popular browser lacks.

                 Cốc Cốc        


According to users of the browser, it is easy for them to connect on Facebook or twitter which is not an open access to Vietnamese. Though majority of the users are familiar with different VPN products, but the hassle of setting a VPN is daunting and also claims that VPN might be slow sometimes. But using Cốc Cốc makes it easy as they can browse their social media account without the barrier anymore.

Another reason users have chose Cốc Cốc is because of its typing interface. The Vietnamese have a unique way of typing,so  to  use a browser, they need a third party integration to enjoy typing with less error. Most user uses the Unikey or Vietkey to be able to type on their browsers. But Cốc Cốc  have this feature already integrated.

Some other reasons users have given about Cốc Cốc  includes the download speed of the browser and file resuming which Google Chrome and other browsers don't have. The   Cốc Cốc campaign is high in Vietnam and 8 out of 10 users seems to be using the browser.

It is a freeware available for both Vietnamese and English users.It is available for Windows and Mac users. Linux users can probably use wine to try out the browser before it official release release on other platforms.

At the time of this writing, Cốc Cốc is already downloaded 42,268,468 times.

Download Cốc Cốc (Vietnamese Version, Windows Version)

Download Cốc Cốc (Vietnamese Version, Mac Version)

Download Cốc Cốc (English Version)