Caroline Berriman

A 15 year old boy had revealed last night on how a teaching assistant, Caroline Berriman, 30 year old had unprotected sex with him different time, and she told him that she is having his baby. The boy said he had been "scarred for life" after the 2 months of abuse. 


The boy who for the sake of this story we will call Luke narrated the story after Caroline walked free from court yesterday, even after he admitted to the 3 court charges. Luke now 17 said that the pair copulated that the children of Caroline called him Daddy.

Luke said; The first time it happened I was sat on the couch and she put her arm over me and started kissing me. It must have happened over 50 times in the space of those few months.

Luke said he was scared when Caroline told him that he had got her pregnant, and that makes him really scared, and he had to talk to his older brother, Jack, who then reported the case to their mother.


Caroline , who was a teaching assistant at 1,600-pupil Abraham Moss Community School was taking Luke a one-on-one class in English class until he started grooming him, they both made contact via Facebook when Luke saw her profile on Facebook and added her. Caroline added him back, and asked for his mobile so the pair go flirt off Facebook.

The pair would go on long drives, watching TV together. He said: 

We would call and text each other all the time and it got more and more into a sort of relationship.

Then she started ringing me on weekends, asking if I was going round to hers. It slowly got more serious.

It got to a point where her daughter was calling me ‘Dad’. I used to say to her ‘I’m not, I’m your mum’s friend’.

When Caroline knew the whole relationship was exposed, Luke said;

Caroline started flipping out, she started hitting me because I had told my mum.he was screaming and shouting saying ‘Why have you put me in this position? I’m going to lose my daughter.’ Blaming everything on me like I was in the wrong.

Bonnie And Clyde

Luke tried to distance himself from Caroline after they were exposed, but she kept on calling, until one day when she sent him a message and said that she borrowed £20,000 from her parents and they can both run away, and minutes later, she was in their house, and punched everything inside the car, and smashing her car glasses.

Caroline said

  "if you don’t come it’s going to break my daughter’s heart, it’s going to break my heart, everything that I’ve risked for you"

And Luke replied 

I’ve been through enough pain and abuse. I want this to end.

Final Goodbyes

Jack reported the case to Childline, and Caroline was dismissed from her teaching job, and won't be working there any longer, but walked free from jail after she pleaded guilty of having sex with an underage boy.



