Chinese hackers arrested

The Vietnamese police have nabbed a Chinese hacker who fled the China last year May, after police swoop on his residence in China.


Picture courtesy of : Thanhnien news

Zhu Zhendong, 34, was wanted by Interpol for his role as the head of a gang involved in hacking into people's credit card accounts to steal over $4.89 million. He moved to Vietnam as a safe haven after police in China bursted his accomplices and 34 of his friends in the criminal activities were arested.

Zhu and his gang team hack into credit card of a lot of people, including South Koreans to steal from them. He then changed the money to digital money he used in playing online games, before selling the digital ones for real money according to the Chinese police.

The police are investigating Zhu in Vietnam before he will be handed over to the Chinese police.

