ISIS new video

It is the month of Ramadan where you believed the ISIS militants would lay low and not be in the news, but your thoughts are not ISIS thoughts after they released a 7 minute video of several prisoners that had been killed by the terrorist group.


In the video, the ISIS members took a group of 5 men that had been accused of spying in a cage and drowned them in a swimming pool, they also filmed the men with an underwater camera to film the men who had no way of escape, shortly after the cage was lowered into the cage, the video shows the men being lifted back into the surface, with foams in their mouth and lying motionless on one another.

Another minute in the video shows the ISIS men locking another group of men in a car and shooting them with the rocket launcher. And another set of men were killed by putting explosives rings around their neck and the explosives detonated.


In the sickening video, the men about to lowered into the pool looked calm until the cage was being lowered into the pool, and the men can be seen praying. The men lose consciousness and later drowned in the pool.


The barbaric video was released by the ISIS Nineveh branch, based in Mosul.

The horrific murder by the group is another one of their catalogues known for beheading of American James Foley, burning to death of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, and also killing of some Ethiopian Christians and many more

Photo Courtesy of Daily Mail
