
An employee of Flair Airlines have decided to take side with a "Karen" over a 12 weeks mother on flight F88004 traveling from Vancouver to Calgary. In a video posted online by the husband of the new mother, Adeola Adeyemi, he explained that a Canadian woman had sat down at the Window seat that was reserved for his wife near the window seat, but when she got there and requested for her seat back, the Nigerian mother of 12 weeks baby and her mother-in-law was denied the seat, and instead was asked to go find another seat.


In a video posted on Twitter by the husband of the nursing mother, the airline employee was called to remedy the situation and in a plot twist instead advised the nursing mother who was also the original owner of the seat to go to another seat - in what seems to be a "first come first serve" judgment by the airline employee. All explanation by the nursing mother fell on deaf ear, and instead was threatened to be removed from the flight, and told to calm down, even though she appeared calm in the video when trying to reclaim her stolen seat from the "Karen".

Adeyemi in his video said he is surprised and believed the incident was "racist", and the judgment from the airline employee was below par. While taking a video of the incident, Adeyemi claimed that the woman also gave a middle finger to his wife, and he will escalate the situation wih Flair airline, and the Canada Transportation Agency.

Watch the video of the encounter, and the flight attendant judgment







