mali news

Gunmen attacked a hotel popular with expat workers, Radisson Blu Hotel Bamako, Mali, and are holding 140 guests and 30 employees as hostage. The gunmen entered into the hotel, and kept chanting the slogan "Allahu Akbar", which means God is great.

A commander in the Malian army has reported that 20 people have been freed, and only people that are able to recite the verses of the Quran are allowed to leave, sources told the Reuters news Agency.


According to AFP, the Malian security ministry reported that 3 hostages have been killed. The men were said to have entered the entrance of the hotel with a car, having a diplomatic license plate. But when the men were stopped for a search at the security post, they started firing, injuring the three security guards at the gate. 

An eyewitness also said that it is difficult to know the number of attackers at the hotel, but they are estimated to be between five and thirteen.


Malian soldiers, police, special forces, UN peacekeeping troops and French soldiers are now at the scene.

Six Turkish airline staff and seven Chinese citizens are part of the people held hostage in the hotel.
