MMA fighters

It was a lot of mess on Saturday at a Cage event in Beckley, West Virginia when MMA fighter, Travis "The Brown Bomber" Wolford poos on himself after getting punched randomly when he was down, but as he tries fighting back, then suddenly lifting his opponent, but on his pant is a yellow liquid, which he probably realised and fell on his back,  but fans was not expecting the disgusting brown liquid  to start falling off his pants and onto the feet of his opponent, Daniel Cooper.


Travis gave up the match and had to do a walk of shame among the crowds, but he certainly also lost his dignity too, the opponent had to leave the cage and cleans up himself, with the referee help.

In the video that was posted, a lady can be heard saying, oh my god, I'm going to throw up, and the commentator can be heard saying, Do we have any volunteers want to clean it up, what a mess

Watch the video here;


The promoter of the fight, Christopher Smith, took to his Facebook to explain what might have happened to Travis, he said;

Everyone is still talking about it. Never seen anything this gross in my entire career of promoting fights but s*** happens and could happen to anyone. Daniel Cooper literally beat the crap out of 'The Brown Bomber' Travis Wolford.

Before the fights started he went to Chili Night and ate some hot chili. During his bout he had a colossal explosion where chili beans and everything he ate landed all over the mat. Says he instantly lost 15 pounds.

Travis will be fight again on November.