Simon Brodkin

A comedian, Simon Brodkin, who recently disrupted Kanye West performance at Glatonsbury as done it again with FIFA president, Sepp Blatter. The comedian suddenly appeared at a conference and suddenly disrupted the conference room filled with the people of the press, while he was held to be taken away, Simon threw a pile of fake pile of cash at Sepp Blatter.

The British comedian, Simon Brodkin, also known as "Lee Brodkin" is a British comedian and television broadcaster, and well known for his publicity stunt.


Sepp Blatter was unharmed after the incident, but appeared shaken as he keep pacing back and forth, before announcing that the session will resume shortly.

Before the incident, Sepp Blatter had announced that his successor will be announced come February, 26, 2016. The Swiss secured another term last month in an election, but decided to step down on June 2 after a corruption scandal rocked the Football governing body, FIFA.


Watch the video of the comedian throwing money at Sepp Blatter

