Steve jobs

I was watching one of the exclusive interviews of Warren Buffet few weeks ago, and while talking he said something that caught my attention. 


    In the investment business, you don't need too much of a brain, infact if you have a IQ of 160, give away 30 to someone else that needs it, what you do need is emotional stability.

That word changed a lot of things, because i was able to turn most of that word for positivity relating to my own field. Sometimes i look at myself that maybe if i had known some real programming language, i would be Bills Gate or Steve Jobs competitor.


Now let me be straight, i love all programmers out there, and from my few words, its clear that you guys have changed the word looking back from when the internet started. A lot of rapid changes have and are still happening. When i see them coding on You-tube, i always envy them myself. In fact i use a lot of Open source software which if you guys have not released, we will all be in the dark and programming languages will be like semi-gods to novice like me....

Let me get back to my question, i am sure we all know Steve Jobs,  if you don't...i will like to congratulate you for surviving the brain damage that happened to you years back, may you not experience such again...(Amen) ..Please Google Steve Jobs while on recovery bed....(pun intended).


I have always think the best thing for me to do is learn about Steve Jobs or Bill gate history and see where they start so i can start something too...hahahaha...I want to know what these 2 men learnt while growing up that makes them extra-ordinary... If Bill gate release a book with empty pages, am sure before Monday, it will be the best seller in the market because people will believe their is a meaning attached to it he wanted you to see, everybody believed in these men..(pun intended)...if i tried it...i will have a before and after photo.

Did Steve Jobs know how to code?  A lot of people don't know the answer, everybody keeps saying..He is a genius..Yes...he is a genius...but i want to know what makes him the genius of our time, did you think Bill gate is a Java programmer or C# guy. That is the same question i have been asking myself..I did some digging ... And i will go ahead to post people comments on forums and questions blogs.


This are some important comments i got and am sharing with you now

    Media outlets didn't give a shit about Dennis Ritchie's death in 2011, relative to how much press Jobs got. Dennis created the C programming language, and the Unix operating system. Both of which are 1000x more important than anything Jobs did. I was literally ASHAMED of our society when I saw how little anybody knew of him after his death was announced. It's like we have all been conditioned to praise those who talk big, while not giving one crap about those who are actually behind our technology.


    Dennis Ritchie created C but UNIX was Ken Thompson's.
    C was a key component in making UNIX.


    Why didn't the society popularize the creator of Unix and C programming language? How did this not happen?

    The idea that Steve Jobs merely “talked big” is fucking stupid. Steve Jobs WAS big. Apple was the biggest company in the world by market cap, and Steve Jobs was the biggest guy in Apple. Surely you can see how the death of the CEO of the biggest company in the world is more newsworthy than the death of someone who did stuff 35 years ago, no matter how seminal his work was?
    And the idea that Steve Jobs was not “behind our technology” is fucking stupid too. Of course Apple is behind our technology. They're behind the products we buy today, like iPhones and iPods, and they’re behind ideas we take for granted in the whole industry, like the user interface ideas found in the original Lisa and Mac.

    Henry ford didn't know how to build an engine either. A visionary always has a great pointer finger. He didn't need to code. His code is getting the right people with his vision to create an idea. He wasn't a designer either. Wozniak didn't make the keyboard or the case. By your standard who's the genius? How much did he need to do? It's all part of a puzzle. Putting it together is the vision.


    I'm a programmer but I will admit that programmers are easy to find compared to good ideas and the people who will pursue them. Game-changing ideas come along rarely. Motivating people to create amazing new products is harder than writing code.


 I enjoyed more comments, but lets stop there, its obvious that apple products are not built from the scratch, but they work on a program designed by someone years back, but his death never had the kind of media attention like Steve Jobs. From my own personal opinion, the programming language might be there forever and nobody will be able to twist the Programming language like Job did...never ever.
Nowadays a lot of programs and applications have make life so easy for designers that are interested in coding but don't know how to do it, their are lots of developer tools to add 1 plus 1 together to get results. You can design Android, iPhone applications without experience about programming languages and a whole lot of stuffs out there...
This blog is not to say anything not worthy of Steve Jobs....

This is just to give readers the opportunity that you don't need to be a 100% genius, NO, what you need to do is get out there and start something relating to your field even if its done before...If someone is doing what you are about doing, don't worry, take a deep breath and find out what he is missing...and implement it.. Let me share some #Randomthought i shared few days ago on Facebook.

     What does it matter if its been done before..if you have a better version...put it out there..#RandomThought

So don't think you are late and can't meet up, try out what will work for you and you can be the next big thing...if your idea is so nice...go ahead and do it...Please please and please...Dont share nice ideas with friends or people that have not signed your idea as your intellectual property, else they will turn it over and accomplish your dream while you are alive (Talking from experience).
The last quote that makes me write this blog to encourage people like me was what  Steve Wozniak aka "The Woz" Co-founder, Apple Computer Inc. shared on his webpage recently.

                                        Does Steve Jobs know how to code?

                                            Question from E-mail

I'm a comp sci major (unfortunately not engineering) and a child development minor, so I am a really big fan of everything that you've been doing and am interested in doing similar things some day. I have a few questions that I would love to hear your responses to: - Does Steve Jobs know how to code? Is he an engineer (i.e. did he know what the heck you were doing when you were building the Apple?)

Steve didn't ever code. He wasn't an engineer and he didn't do any original design, but he was technical enough to alter and change and add to other designs. I did all of the Apple I and Apple ][ myself, including the feature choices. I did all of the BASIC myself (it's in handwriting as I couldn't afford an assembler). The only person who helped write some of the Apple ][ code was Allen Baum, who helped with the 'monitor' program.


So if you don't know what coding means and you loose your self esteem, its time to help you back up, if you are on my blog and need some encouragement...ask ME or ask the community on the blog, am sure someone will assist and encourage you...