woman smashed SUV screen

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and a woman has gone mad on her husband and decided to smash his windshield after she saw him driving around town with a young lady.

The incident happened on the Federal Russian Blvd in front of the entrance of Po Chen Tong hospital located at Tagnong village, Kakarb commune, Po Senchey district in Cambodia around 2:00 pm on 09 June 2015.


According to the cambodiaexpatsonline, the husband who is also in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces was driving a car with the plate number,  09 2-9005, had allegedly told the wife he was busy with work and would not be able to take her to the pagoda during during Phcum Ben.

The young lady was not in the car when the woman got hold of her husband as she was reported to have dropped along the way, but the woman managed to jump on the SUV bonnet, even after pushes by the husband driver, hitting her, but she keeps standing up, and when she got hold of herself, she smashed the windshield of the car with her bare legs Surprised, while shouting on top of her voice.

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