I had been to Mexico in a long time, and have heard good stories about it from friends in recent times. I was bored on this very good day, and had nothing to do till the end of the week, so i decided to visit Mexico again, since I leave in Texas, Mexico was like a country in my backyard.
I set out for my journey with my backpack and took the next bus to Mexico to enjoy the free time, while in Texas, I had read about the different tactics of how Mexicans would come meet you for drugs and then call the police on you to arrest you, this might go for huge bribe or a long term prison term, so I was careful so not to be used as bait.
I had decided to lay low on the beach, get some stuff to eat, and enjoying the fresh air when I saw a Mexican guy with a hand gesture in his mouth asking if I wanted a smoke, realising and flipping my mind back to what I had read before my trip, I nod my head to reply no, which he seems to understand and he backed off.

Still with a clear head at the beach, the Mexican guy walks up to me this time, and put out his hand to shake my hand, I was polite and shook his hands, he asked for my name, and also tell me his name, and he would later continue asking questions about my plan in Mexico and how long I will be staying, I told him all he need to know, but am was sure I won't be buying illegal drugs from him.
My new friend's name is Stephen, Stephen was nice, and later asked that I meet with his wife,I decided to meet up with his family, and I was surprised that he was married to this beautiful French-American lady, and I let my guard down a bit, because I feel maybe Stephen is not a typical Mexican guy, with a beautiful wife and 2 daughters, I felt at ease with him. He invited me to have some smoke with him at a nearby place away from the kids, and we did have some smoke together while we chatted over different things.
During our chat, Stephen told me I could enjoy Mexico while I also make money as a tourist selling some drugs to people. He told me it was simple and all i have to do is meet and greet people while I introduce them to what I have. I slightly agree, but he showed me another American not too far away from us, and asked that I approach that man, as he is young and looks like someone that will need a smoke. I took up the challenge, and went ahead to meet the young man, I asked for his name, and he told me Andy.
Andy is also from Texas, and even though we never met, he lives a few blocks away from where I stayed, so it makes it very easy to communicate and we both caught up on few things back home, then came why I was there in the first place, I told him what I had on me, and he was pleased. He took it, and paid me $20 for the small package, and another $50 for more kilos. I was a dream, $70 on a chit-chat with an unknown Texan, how else can you make money this easy, i said with joy.
Andy told me he will go back to his hotel, and if all my stuff is good like the first one he took, he will call my cell phone. I gave him my digit, and went to Stephen, who was playing and acting innocent with the kids. I told him about how much cash I had made, and also told him about the clause of selling more. He praised my good salesman spirit, and I was proud of it myself.

I never heard from Andy the whole day, and I felt maybe the product was bad. The next day around 10am, my phone rang, and it was Andy on the other line. He said the products were the best he had in recent times, and he had it with his friend the other night, and would like me to provide another products worth $50 9pm that same day. I was delighted and I rushed to Stephen, i remembered him bringing out some products from the shelf, and he handed me what I needed, and told me to see him same night or next day for his payment and my commission.
I waited till 9pm, and I met with Andy in his hotel room. He was alone and offered me some drinks, which I decline. He asked if I have the same product he bought the previous day, I told me I did have them, he asked again if they were the same products, and not just any fake one on the street, I confirmed to him I was sure.
He took the product, and he kept it. Then he asked if i can provide him a larger product of $5,000 same time tomorrow. I was thinking if I had met a mad man. $5000, was he going to overdosed or get himself killed? then I wanted to make money too, and I said sure, but he should give me a day to let the people in charge work things out in case it is not readily available. Andy said Ok, and i should make sure it is from the same person.
I stood up to walk away after the delivery, while walking away, i heard a gun-click sound behind me, and I knew that I am in a big trouble. Andy was holding a gun to my back, and immediately, i lost all excitement, and sweat covered up my face and my palm is now sweaty. I was thinking if i had been set up in a sting operation, i was confused to what was happening, and that was when he said "I want you to know that if you try to rat me out, or bring in fake product here, I will put a bullet to your head. Nod your head if you understand".
I nodded my head in partial excitement, because am still in the crime world, and at least am not going to jail tonight. He told me when I have the product, I should tell him, so that he will tell me where to meet as doing the big deal in his hotel might raise suspicion. I said Ok, and I can't wait to be out of the hotel.
I rushed down to Stephen place, and we laughed about the event that nearly caused me to piss my pants. Stephen also assured me that he got the product, and will make it available at the next day evening, just in time to meet Andy.
Andy sent a text that we meet at the beach side where we had first met the first day, and ask that i come alone with the products, and he will pay me on delivery, i said ok. Once again, he reminded me about our last night chat, the real product, I told him, it's fine
At The Beach
It was 9pm, we were alone at the beach side, and myself and Andy got talking about the new deal, he told me about how he would make me rich if i can deliver products to him, as he knows how he could smuggle it and why he stays in Mexico, he would like to enjoy a good smoke as well.
It was dark, but why we were gisting and enjoying a good smoke, I noticed a dark figure from afar with torchlight that seems to be coming towards us, and all of a sudden, I heard someone from those figures shouting, "who is there?" "Who are you? any identification"
This time, i was scared and wish i could fly. Andy looks at me, and told me if i had anything to do with this, i told him to shut up and be of composure, but i had lost my composure myself. The armed men have now surrounded both Andy and myself, and ask us what we were both doing alone, and ask about our passport.
I had kept my drugs far away from the scene, and i had planned to tell Andy when he paid that we need to walk down the beach side to get it, just to be safe, so i was confident the police will not get us on anything, smart move for me.
But because I was not sure what is happening with Andy, i whispered to him;
Do you have the gun with you?
Andy: Yes, i do
I told him, dude- do something with the gun.
The police were looking at our passport with their torchlight and scorned faces ,and from Nowhere, i had "Kpa kpa". Andy had shot 2 Federal Mexican police, and they are had both dropped on the floor like woods gasping for breath.
Before I could ask him why he had shot, Andy had turned to Usain Bolt, and had picked up his gun and ran away.
I wanted to help the men, but I panicked, and decided to run, as staying with them might cause me trouble, i look at the men and I saw them dying slowly, that was when I decided to run too. Andy had picked up his passport when running, so I picked mine too, and i made a run for it.
I ran like my life depended on it. I kept on running and running, and i can say this is the first time I had run so fast, and the only thing on my mind was hitching the next bus out of town and back home instantly.
While I had all this thought rushing through my head, I heard a gunshot, before I could say Jack, I had been shot in my right foot. I looked at my leg, and it was really messy. You would have expected me to stop and nurse my wounds, but this time, I have the adrenaline pumped so high, I was able to run faster. I kept my pace, and keep running.
I went straight to Stehen's place, by this time, i was tired and i collapse on his floor, but i could hear him telling me to relax, and i could see him faintly bringing out some first aid kit to help me with medication. I was tired and I am scared of not going into shock because of the amount of blood i had lost.
A few minutes later, I opened my eyes slightly, and I saw Stephen wife packing out their bags and Stephen was wearing the kids clothes, I knew they were planning to move from the area, but what will be my fate. The wife was clearly not happy with what was happening, and she was looking at me with disgust.
Stephen knelt down to me, and said, "Hey dude, we are skipping town now, and you can have this place to yourself till you are good. Take some painkillers from the First aid kit, and also change the bandage on the wound. You will be fine in 3days, also try to drink a lot of water, and switch off the light, don't let people know you are staying here"
I nodded my head in pain,and i knew i was in trouble if i will be alone, and while I was in my thought, I heard Stephen family car screech off their yard, and I was all alone now.
3 Days, Three Worst Days
After the horrible night, i stood up, took some pain killers and changed the bloody bandage to make it look better. My leg is bad, and i can't go to the hospital, because I know the police would have informed local hospitals of what had happened.
I walked around the room, look at my face in the mirror, and wish i could turn back the hands of time. I started thinking about my next move, i can't stay here by myself alone. I walked around, but nothing can be done..
I had no phone on me, as it was lost in the chaos, there no phone lying around in Stephen's place. I am lost for what to do.

While walking around, i opened the closet of Stephen's wife, and i saw a lot of her beautiful clothes, that is when it dawn on me to disguise my way to the border and maybe if i am lucky, i will be away without anyone knowing what has just happened.
I picked one of the clothes, and i tried it on, and i am sure i do look like a lady. I also tried one of the shoes, and it does look perfect too. I was getting there. I could smell Texas from here. I can't wait to see my parents again..I was delighted
I started out with makeups, put on her bra, i was very conscious and keep looking at the mirror, i must say it looked good from my view. I am ready to start my journey back to Texas.
My heart is doing a hard job pumping the blood to my whole body, but i feel it is not doing enough. I am scared, if the people around me don't buy this, I am definitely going to jail. I am definitely scared.
Moving Out From Mexico
This story will continue in the second part which the editor is looking into, Meanwhile share this story with your friends...
1. Did I make it to Texas in one piece?
2. What happened to the police?
3. What happened to Andy?
These and many more in the next episode...When the Facebook share reach 10, we will post the second piece..
Thanks for reading...
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.