
An Ohio Firefighter has been  suspended after a Facebook post that he would rather save a dog from a burning than saving a black person because a dog is more important than a million black people.

Tyler Roysdon, 20 years old is a volunteer firefighter for Franklin Township is now suspended without pay after the post saying that in a burning house, a dog will get priority from him because “one dog is more important than a million n****rs.”


The post was discovered by an official and he was suspended immediately after the department said the comment is "unacceptable" and he will face a disciplinary hearing for him on Sept. 27.The  fire station then released a statement that reads;

Recently, a Franklin Township volunteer firefighter posted unacceptable remarks on social media.  Upon gaining knowledge of this information, Fire Chief Steve Bishop immediately contacted the firefighter and directed the comments be removed.  The firefighter was suspended without pay until the Board of Township Trustees could meet to determine a course of action.  Chief Bishop does not have the authority to terminate employees.  Termination of any township employee requires a vote by the Board of Trustees.

Though he is a volunteer, but the fire department pay Roysdon for any emergency he responded to within the township. 

Another volunteer, Ryan Grubbs, while speaking on the recent comment by Tyler Roysdon said;

We don’t pick and choose who needs us, we just go. We’re volunteers, we’re doing this because we love the community.


A lot of people have called Donald J. Trump different names, but I have decided to jump on the bandwagon, and many times in the past, Donald Trump has tweeted a lot of harmful things, especially towards the presidency of Barack Obama.


Few hours ago, a tweet from 25th of Nov. 2014 was shared by my Twitter followers and I think it is fine to say the U.S president elect,Donald Trump is an outright racist. He had been accused of saying things about African-Americans in the past, but the tweet here says it all..

I did not believe this image myself, I had to find that tweet to make sure am not making a false accusation.

If you think he is not a racist with this type of mindset, comment your argument below.



The U.S election is finally over, and Donald J. Trump has been declared winner of the November 8th election, beating Democratic party nominee, Hillary Clinton. 

Since the U.S election, a lot of people, mostly identified as White in the U.S, have been taunting people of other races. They have intimidated African-Americans, Muslims, Latinos and the rest. 

In this article, we have decided to showcase some of racist acts that were committed towards people of other races after the election.






















China: Unlike other countries in the world, the Chinese seem to have lost the word racism in their dictionary, and their attitudes towards black people can sometimes leave you dumbfounded.  

In a recent ad that was aired on Chinese TV and in Wanda Cinemas this week before showing a movie, is a video of Qiaobi-brand laundry detergent that has now been making rounds on different social media platform used in China. 


In the video, a black man with paint splattered on his shirt walk toward his Chinese wife, as he came close to the wife, he placed a detergent right into his mouth and push him inside the washing machine. Once the thorough cleansing was done, a new man pops out, and it was a pristine young Chinese man, looking fresh.

Watch the video here:


The video is also a total rip-off and laziness of the producers who had stolen the concept of the idea to the sound and music. The original ad was aired 9 years ago for an Italian ad, the only difference is this time, the video shows an Italian man coming out a muscled black dude, and it says "colour is better". 

A little bit of racism plays out in the video too...See here:


In another racist show-off by the Chinese, the star war actor, John Boyega was shrunk off in size as seen from the original poster of the movie in China. The Chinese have seen the black skin and people of the African descent as "dirty" because of the colour of their skin.

                 sta war John Boyega shrunk in China

                                        John Boyega shrunked in China poster

Though there is lots of criticism of the racist role played by the Chinese media, but it doesn't look like it will end soon.


Azealia Banks have gained more popularity fighting on Social media than getting popular for her music. Her recent rift was between herself and former one-directioner, Zayn Malik.

It all started on Tuesday when Azealia accused the Zayn of stealing her ideas on Instagram.


Minutes after, Zayn Malik responded with some tweets that sounds like a response to what Banks posted;


This was the time Azealia snapped and went on racist and her homophobic comments;




The account of Azealia banks have been suspended by Twitter, and also has been dropped from the lineup for Rinse FM's Born & Bred Festival, taking place June 4 and 5 in London, after she directed a series of racist tweets at Zayn Malik



The issue of racism is a delicate topic that everyone might want to leave out from discussions, but the fact is racism is part of our society, and it has eaten deep into the heart of different individuals, and we attack you at any time because of the your race.

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

According to Wikipedia;

     Racism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups.


The issue of racism has affected both young and old, and NGO and government institutions has tried different campaign strategies to let people understand the issue of racism, and why they should stop being a racist.

Racism affects a lot of people in all works of life, it happens at the airport, at an office, at schools, at the restaurant  and others. Some people believed that a particular race is more superior to the other race, so the inferior race should be treated with disgust.

But having face the issue of racism for so long, it is seen as a cancer that won't be healed as many people will continue to be ignorant to the fact that racism is bad. Since you and i can't change the perception of a racist and abolish racism, it is better to get over it in the society.

Read : Indian Students Support Africans With Information Placards, Africans Complain Of Unlawful Treatment In India

How To Overcome Racism

Ignorant People Are The Racist

Racism can be quite frustrating most times, i remember my time at one of South East Asia airports, I was going through immigration, and when they held my passport, it was war, they had to do the scanning, asking me questions like, are you the one in the photo? how much do you have on you? Can you open your wallet for us to see?. Now the truth is all these laws are not really the immigration laws, these are laws that have been implemented by the Immigration dept. just to frustrate people going into their countries. I have seen a lot of other countries gone past immigration like nothing happened, and it was a sweet home ride.

Before you can overcome racism, you have to first understand what it is that it is largely due to ignorance.

People with white skin (White Supremacist) believes that the white skin, blue eyes, blond hairs are superior people. Also, the Black supremacist believes that the black skin and hair are superior to white skin. So people waste part of their life arguing about whose skin is more superior.

Ignorant people are mostly racist, because they lack the knowledge that we don't choose where we want to be, we just grow up and we there, that is what life has given you, they don't put themselves in the shoe of whoever they are discriminating. Most of them actually lack basic education, and knows nothing about the skin.

I remembered on a sunny afternoon in the public bus, a middle aged woman was trying to chat me up, and she was looking me with disgust, and i can see racism written over her forehead, but i chose to ignore her person, she then later summoned courage, and ask if she could see my hands, i stretched out my right hands, and she was using her finger to clean me up, she had a bottled water, poured a little on my head and tried to clean me up, at this time, i already lost my cool, and was like; hey, are we cool?

She later said, that was the first time she'd seen a black man, and she had always believed that black men are black because they don't take their bath, so she believed i had some whiteness under my skin, you could see how foolish she is..

I have a very "You must be an idiot" kind of laugh, so i burst out laughing, and she was ashamed, and i told her...This is my skin. If you cut me to see what is under, you will see my blood only.

And a lot of people are like this, they don't understand your person, they are filled with hate because you are black, or Arab or Hispanic. They have no idea you are there and not your choosing, they are ignorant, i sometimes call them stark illiterates, so am not bothered, i just say within me, that's another ignorant fella.

Start Setting Your Goals

Like i said above, racism will continue to be in our modern society, and there is nothing you or I could do about that. The other best method of overcoming racism is getting busy and setting your goals.

I have been in different job interviews where people look at me with disgust immediately they noticed my skin colour, and even before i leave the room, i know am not going to get the job, no matter how friendly or brilliant you seem to be, if the final say is coming from someone that is a racist, you are not getting it.

Remember that people want you to succeed, they will see your success before asking you how you get there. So while people are trying to play the racist card on you, or won't give you their job, why don't you see it as an opportunity to start something on your own.

Start a little something and see what you can come up with, when you get your mind so occupied with achieving, you will hardly see people.

Don't stay at your house, complaining how people hate you and making you jobless, find a way you can start funding yourself to be better than you are.

Teach People How To Treat You

Why some people are always happy to see us, some are not. But the truth is that some people don't know how to react when they see a black man in the room, they don't know what to say. They only know that they shouldn't use the N-word, and what else.

I was at a family dinner, and someone was telling me how HIV has affected the whole of Africa and Ebola killing Africans. Then i tried to let them know that Ebola did not even attack some part of Africa, and even some countries that had Ebola where quickly managed.

And on the greetings subject, i told them to greet them just like they would greet a Chinese, Arab and somebody from their own race, as far as it does not include hitting me, then am good.

Set A Good Example

Sometimes, people are quick to judge us others based on what some set of people had done to them, people fail to realize we have both good and bad people. So sometimes, we need to let people know that "Look am the good guy".

Set a good example and don't set a bad example, because its form basis of someone that is also from our race and will appear at that same place sometimes again.



The saga between LA Clipper owner Donald Sterling and his girlfriend has been going on for a while after she released a tape that shows the clipper's owner warning V. Stiviano never to bring black people to his game. The argument happened after the lady took a picture with Magic Johnson,a former NBA player and posted in on Instagram.

After  the lot of comments from the African-American community , Anderson cooper of CNN had an exclusive interview with the LA boss where he said its been hell since the incident and wonders why the girlfriend could tape him and released it to the public.

On Magic Johnson:

Here is a man... he acts so holy. He made love to every girl in every girl in America in every city, and he had AIDS. When he had those AIDS, I went to my synagogue, and I prayed for him.

What has Magic Johnson done? He got AIDS. Did he do any business? Did he help anybody in south L.A.? I think he should be ashamed of himself. What does he do for the black people? I'm telling you he does nothing. It's all talk.

I spent millions on giving away and helping minorities. Does he do that? That's one problem I have. Jews, when they get successful, they will help their people.

And some of the African-Americans, maybe I'll get in trouble again. They don't want to help anybody. What has Magic Johnson really done for Children's hospital which kids are lying in the hallways? They are sick. They need a bed. What has he done for any hospital? What has he done for any group?


Donald Sterling is on the edge of losing the LA Clippers, and he apologized on the TV for people that were hurt by the statement. As at this time, Magic Johnson or his team are yet to release any statement.

Do you think Donald Sterling is a racist?

Write comments below.
