Osama bin laden death certificate

The son of of Osama Bin Laden, Abdullah bin Laden is asking the US to provide him with his dad, Osama Bin Laden death certificate. The documetn is part of the Wikileaks document dubbed, "The Saudi cables" that was published by whistle blowers.


The letter, signed by  Glen Keiser, the US consul general in Riyadh and was addressed to Abdullah on September, 9, 2011, four months after the the US navy seal killed his dad in Pakistan after a 10 years mahunt.

Legal experts in state department states advised that no such documents is issued, so instead, Abdullahi was provided with a US court record tha confirmed that he is dead and all charges against him have been dropped. Legal experts said :

 This is consistent with regular practice for individuals killed in the course of military operations

Consul-general wrote to Abdulahi and said :

 I have received your request for a death certificate for your father, Usama bin Laden. I hope that these US government documents are of assistance to you and your family.

Bin Ladens is one of the  prominent Saudi business families. The kingdom stripped Osama Bin Laden citizenship in 1994
