In the wake of 9 people killed in Charleston,South Carolina, a woman might want to balance things up, as she claimed in a news that went viral that she was attacked by African Americans.The woman who wrote the message on Facebook under a name, Ashley M wrote:
Just got jumped by 3 African Americans ourside(sic) of the as Walmart they are in a white ford 150 extended cab. Arkansas tags. They hit me inside Walmart and were cussing. I was very polite and asked them to lower their voices and the cuss words in front of my 3 year old daughter and this is the outcome. What has the world come to --Feeling emotional

And when Daily dot asked security personnel what happened the time when Ashley reported, they said nothing matching her description, also Daily Dot asked the police, Officer Mike Jones of the Texarkana police force. if any of such case was reported, he said :
'I've talked to our Detective Sergeant. He has reviewed all of the reports from the weekend and there is no report of this incident. There is also no report in our system from a person with the poster's name. We are confident in stating that this incident, if it did occur, has not been reported to this department.
Nonetheless, the story of the woman went viral and most people who wrote the comment attacked her insincerity and asked her for the police report, but still Ashley did not respond with the police report, instead she showed everyone the middle finger and said :
Here's your police report.

Though she removed the picture already, but before it was removed, Ashely wrote:
I don’t want you pitty (sic) attention anything. I’m just warning there are dangerous people in Texarkana be careful. They did this to me for no reason in front of my 3 year old. At Texas side Walmart.
The Texarkan police force via their Facebook page said that Ashley claims were questionable, but soon removed the post. The police force said :
We were informed that she is emotionally disturbed and that they are attempting to get her the assistance that she needs.We have removed the post to avoid contributing to her difficult struggle