Xinhua staff

There has been harsh words thrown around by the Chinese press after 3 journalists from the Xinhua News agency were denied visa extensions. Xinhua is the biggest news agency in China, and no official reasons have been given for their visa denial.

Wu Qiang, Xinhua's New Delhi bureau editor in chief; Tag Lu, Xinhua's Mumbai bureau editor in chief; and She Yonggang, a Xinhua reporter in Mumbai have to leave the country before the July 31st.


Wu has been in India for seven years, while the two have just been there for a year.

Though there is no official reason for their denial, anonymous sources and speculation have said that the trio has done more than their journalistic duties in India, and have gotten the attention of the Indian authorities.

The ban of the three journalists is not a ban on Xinhua as authorities in India have said that the news agency can send in some replacement for the three journalists.

Another source from Ministry of home affair reported that the journalist had travelled to Bangalore to meet with exiled Tibetan activists.

The visa denial by the immigration department also happens just after China denies India entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group, an exclusive group of 48 countries that controls global trade in nuclear technology. After decades of lobbying, India dreams were charted by China vocal opposition.

