Christian persecution

Golden Lampstead Church, a well-known and highly persecuted church in the city of Linfen in Shaanxi province. The church has been under government scrutiny, with one of its pastors serving 7 years in jail. 

On the 9th of Jan,2018-more than a hundred police officers were reported to have surrounded the church, plants explosives around the $2.6m construction building, and demolished it to the ground. The church is the latest church that the government has clamped down, others include house churches. The unregistered churches are the religious gathering which did not register with the government, so as to opt-out of government surveillance.


The recent rise in the surging popularity of non-state approved churches may be one of the reasons for the recent demolition of the church of 50,000 congregations. A Catholic church was also blown up last year, and the demolition of these buildings will continue if the new regulations go into effect next month, The new rule gives more power to the communist party in the country.

In a report by the state-run newspaper, the reason for the demolition was that;  "Christian offered his farmland to a local Christian association and they secretly built a church using the cover of building a warehouse."



                The remains of the demolished church


The report claimed that the building violated the building codes.

The church was built via the contribution of the church member,and during construction in Sept. 13, 2009, more than 
