Audio Of House Speaker Ryan Emerges, Says He Will Not Defend Trump Now Or Never

During Donald Trump's campaign, we saw the spat between house speaker Paul Ryan and Donald Trump, with Donald Trump slight of endorsing Ryan opposition in Wisconsin. On a new released audio from a press conference with house GOP, Paul Ryan could be heard telling other members of the Republican he is done with the now president Donald Trump.

In a October 10, 2016 audio, just right after the Access Hollywood tape, Ryan can be heard clearly stating his stance on Donald Trump;

I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future.

The audio was released on Breitbart, which Steve Bannon used to control as executive chairman. 

The audio released by Breitbart is a revenge against Paul Ryan, whom Republicans, or Steve Bannon believed to have fooled Trump with his acceptance of the new healthcare reform, which is meant to repeal and replace Obamacare.

According to reports, this is the first major initiative by Paul Ryan and Donald Trump, and Ryan has also supported the bill, and try to tell other Republicans to follow suit, but a lot of Republicans have kicked against the idea of the new "Affordable Healthcare Act," also called Trumpcare.

The Whitehouse, or as Editors in Doynews speculates that Paul Ryan could have advised or warned Donald Trump against the new bill, and let him know it will be dead on arrival, knowing full well it won't pass the house, but instead was playing Devil advocate, and hereby embarrassing Donald Trump first power move through congress.

Listen here:


Spaking on the newly released tape is Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck, and he wrote;

The world is well aware of this history.And obviously a lot has happened since then. As everyone knows, of course they were specifically about the Access Hollywood tapes.

Buck is making it clear that Ryan had said that when the Access Hollywood surfaced, with Trump talking about how he kiss and touch the women's genitalia without permission, and they will allow him to do it, since he is rich and a celebrity.

Buck said;

This was in response to that, but as everyone knows, they came together toward the end of the campaign and the speaker vocally supported him and even campaigned with Pence.

Though Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Paul Ryan have since seems to end their spat, but the newly released video is a statement to Paul Ryan, on how they could hurt his next campaign, and there is no denial Steve Bannon know about the Breibart article