ISIS Fighters Gets HIV After Raping Two Sex Slaves

ISIS fighters had contracted HIV after having unprotected sex with 2 Moroccan woman they  kept as sex slaves. The fighters were treated at an ISIS-run hospital and have been quarantined.

The fighters have been ordered to carry out suicide bomb attacks by their commander, at least 16 members of ISIS have contracted the virus.


The 2 Moroccan women had escaped from the brutal men of ISIS, as they fear they might be beheaded. ISIS leaders are now forcing medical practitioners to test other members of the group as they fear that the virus might have spread more than they had thought. And have also said any ISIS members that had contracted the virus.

In June, ISIS beheaded a member of the group who allowed a blood transfusion to another member. 

The virus had find its way into the camp after an Indonesian-ISIS fighter who known he had HIV, had sex with his sex slave. He also donated blood to an ISIS-run hospital.

An Egyptian also had the sex slave, and raped her, and now, it is been shared among the group.

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