
Aug 20, 2021 |

The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) mobile app has been crashing in the last two months, infuriating customers using the app on both their iOS and Android and some of these customers...

Oct 24, 2015 |

One of the worst mistake most graduates and professional people have is using free email services like the likes of Yahoo, Gmail and live. Though...

Oct 06, 2015 |

Microsoft unveils a new device in its big event in New York on Tuesday night, The device "13' Surface Book" is the first ever laptop made by the...

Oct 05, 2015 |

Essay Typer is the new cool I am introducing to you today. The website helps you write any form of essay, and all you have to do is let Essay...

Oct 03, 2015 |

Robot Taxi Inc, a Japanese company is to introduce its own driverless car...

Sep 30, 2015 |

Now that the Linux Mint is up and running, what are some of the things we should do. Anything you intend doing on your Linux Mint is left to you,...

Sep 29, 2015 |

NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden ...

Sep 29, 2015 |

Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm has been released from Jail. ...

Sep 26, 2015 |

I have been a WIndows Operating System guy from my very first day of computing, and it has been a smooth ride, but recently, I have decided to...

Sep 20, 2015 |

A computer geek, Andris Atteka have discovered a code that crashes Google Chrome when a null character is added in the URL. The characters when...

Sep 17, 2015 |

Mobile giant, Apple has finally released the latest version of its OS, iOS 9 on Wednesday, and users of the iPhones can now enjoy the latest of...
