While You Are Dating But Remain Single

How is your relationship doing? a lot of boys and girls out there can't give you a yes or no answer, you notice them looking partially to the sky and saying it's complicated or I am not sure, am just seeing where it leads me. The funny thing is most of this relationship have just started, raising the question While would you be in a relationship if you don't know where it leads you.

I have written it in my past article, and I will remind you again. It is better to be single and wait for a good time to start dating than you staying in a relationship without a future or "complicated". Any relationship that is set to collapse cannot be put in place by one person, else it will eventually collapse, that is why relationship comes with feelings, and feelings have to be 100% mutual.


Self Respect: A true relationship that will last should be based on just one thing, and one thing only. Respecting each other. Most relationships fail nowadays because a lot of youths don't longer respect themselves. A lot of girls want to be with guys they will be proud to show off on Instagram and Facebook, or make their friends jealous, but forgetting the most important part of why they are dating.

So this same boy/girl after a lot of photos sharing and show off, they now realise the one of their partners is not  is not feeling the same way, and they start talking to whoever cares about their partners. The truth is that someone who loves you should be able to do what you do for them, and while this might sound senseless to you, social media might be the first step in knowing if your partner is really into you or just want to talk and talk about how they care.

If your boyfriend/girlfriend shares random pictures of girls/boys they took pictures with, but won't show yours, but giving you flimsy excuses, then you should be on a lookout.

What Do You Want: A lot of people don't even know what they want in a relationship anymore. If you are 24 years of age and you still wanting for imaginary things in relationships, then you need to wait till 30, because you still have issues.

At 24 at least, you should know what you want in a lady or a man, and stop with all the; a man with long beard, short neck and broad shoulder. Those are for 18 years teenagers. If you can't figure the actual things you want in a man. I am sorry, you will be 30 years old and will faint when you see Justin Bieber or Harry Styles because they are your crush Smile

If you don't know what you want, you will go from man to man, because they will keep coming short your imaginary fascination.

Knowing But Denying:  So most of the time, a lot of us actually knows that our relationship won't last, but it just sounds good to be in it, and keep pushing. Keep believing for the best, but the best never happens in the long run.

For example, if your girl won't stop chatting with a man, and you know it, you have told her to stop doing so, but she keeps saying, "we just friends", and asking you to relax, what should you do in this type of situation, force them to stop talking, invite the young man for coffee and see your lady and the guy's reaction.

Because most men don't want to have a drink with their rival, unless your girl is taking both of you men for a wide ride, to control the other man of meeting with you.

When your partner turns you to someone that have to tell them what do do at everytime of the day but they repeat same thing next week, such partner probably do not care about you or what you feel. 

Though sometimes you are probably dating someone that is not mature enough to date, and i won't advise you to date immature partners, because that marriage is good recipe for divorce.

Personal Opinion

Sometimes we love someone so much we can't even explain why, and we are happy to let them hurt us, while we stick to them, hoping that they will love us back. This is a risky game, and when people don't love us, they won't wake up just loving us. Nobody can pretend to love someone else.

Anyone that pretends to love you, won't mind dropping you for someone that they only admire. I have seen a young lady date a man for 3 years, while she try to please him, and hope for the best in future, but when the man and lady recently broke up, the dude picked up another lady in weeks, and of course he proposed to the new lady just three weeks of dating. Not that the other lady is not good or beautiful, but the definition of love is more than being good or giving gifts, you both feel it within you. Don't try to make yourself good, when you know it is not ok. Never force yourself on your partner, let the feelings be mutual, look into their eyes when they tell you things they want you to hear, you will see if they mean it or not.

If all you do all day is ranting or worrying about your relationship. Then you have a long way to go. Your relationship at the first year is getting to know each other, and knowing do's and don't of each other.

In the second year, you should be getting to see either you are compatible to go further with the relationship or not. If at the second year, you still are saying things you arguing about do's and don't like or don't like, and you have to rant and worry everyday, then you will never move to the next stage of the relationship, and that relationship probably won't survive too.

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