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Obama Says Trump is "Unfit" To President, And Republicans Leaders Should Withdraw Support
Obama once again throws a jab at the Republican party nominee, Donald Trump on Tuesday, calling him “unfit” to be president. The president makes the remark during a White house news conference with Singapore's prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, in response to Trump's attack on an American Muslim family, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son was killed in Iraq.                     
New Video Shows Israeli Soldiers Bully 8-Year Palestinian Girl
A video of 2 Israeli soldiers bullying an eight year old girl has surfaced online. The video was recorded by a member of the Israeli human rights group B’tselem in July, but has just been published on Youtube.            
Nigerian Prince Team Behind Scam Of More Than $60m Arrested By Interpol
Top Nigerian scammer behind the popular scams, only known as "Mike" was recently apprehended in Port-Harcourt by INTERPOL and the Nigerian security agency. The team is said to have scammed people globally, and their scam is worth $60m.                 Mike is the leader of the fraudulent team, and their operations involve using malware to compromise email and also romance scams. According to INTERPOL, "In one case, a target was conned into paying out $15.4 m"
ISIS Threatens To Kill Vladmir Putin And Invade Russia In New Propaganda Video
In a recent video published by the Daesh group, ISIS, the terrorist group has threatened the Russian president of homicide and also threatens its citizens too in the 9-minute video.                The video shows the terrorist launching attacks on vehicle, and tents. Towards the end of the video, a masked terrorist then said;  Listen, Putin. We will come to Russia and kill you in your homes.
France Shut Down 20 Mosques Suspected Of Radical Islamic Teaching
The French government continues its crackdown on terrorism in the country just days after it announced it will block foreign funding for mosques in the country, the country has also decided to shut down twenty mosques considered of radical Islamic teaching in the country.                          
ISIS Magazine Listed Six Reasons They Hated Western Countries
ISIS have released six reasons while they are hell bent on destorying Western countries, and will continue fighting the western world in their new periodical magazine, Dabiq, 15th edition.                        In an article in the new edition of the magazine, titled "Why We Hate you and Want to Fight You", the terrorist listed their different reasons for attacking the Wstern world, and some of the listed reasons are:
Breaking News: One Person Dead And Multiple Wounded In Austin, Texas Shooting
A shooting in Texas as seen many people injured in downtown Austin, Texas. One woman has been reported to be dead as gunman fired into the crowd.The Police have arrived to the scene and clearing the scene of the shooting.                 Three people have also been transported to the hospital, and paramedics confirmed that people with gunshot wounds are spread across the area and trying to find them.
Gunman Killed Three People At House Party In Seattle
Shooting at a house in Mukilteo, near Seattle, in the US state of Washington has seen three people dead and the state of other two unknown. The shot was fired at a teenagers party with youngsters or those at universities in attendance.                      According to eyewitnesses, more than 20 shots were fired and a call to 911 emergency services see police men coming to the area.  According to the police, the gunman is currently in custody.
Chinese Hackers Publish Information Of Vietnam Airlines Customers
We announced yesterday that more than 400,000 users was compromised after the hacker group that call themselves, 1937cn hacked the Vietnam National carrier website, Vietnam airlines. The hackers this morning have gone ahead and prove that they did hack the information and publish all the information on the internet.
Alleged Chinese Hackers Defaced Vietnam National Carrier Website, And Screen System Of Major Airports
A Chinese hacker group, 1937cn, today defaced the website of Vietnam major carrier, Vietnam Airlines,and also compromised the screen at two major airports, Noi Bai International airport in Hanoi and Tan Son Nhat international airport in Ho Chi Minh city. The hackers also make an announcement on the loud speaker at the airport, though distorted, but was about the East Vietnam sea, a case China had lost to the Philippines at the Hague court, but said it won't be respecting the decision of the court.
France To Ban Foreign Funding Of Mosques In Its Fight Against Terrorism.
French foreign minister, Manuel Valls, has said the country is looking into the ban of foreign financing of mosques as it will reshape its counter-extremism strategy following a fresh wave of terror attacks.                While speaking to le Monde, Valls said;
Bernie Sanders Quits The Democratic Party
Following the leaked email scandals with the Democratic party leaders favouring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator have decided to quit the Democratic party and will stay as an Independent senator. In the recent DNC, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton as the nominated candidate, and now that he has quit the party, Hillary Clinton would hope she would be able to hang on to the 13million people who voted for him during the party primaries.
Vietnam Immigration Officer Writes F*** You On Chinese Passport Holder
A Chinese woman, Zhong has been left surprised when she said a Vietnamese immigration officer at Tan Son Nhat wrote "F*** you" on her passport after she landed in Ho Chi Minh city.  The officer was said to have written the word on two of the pages containing map of China, and showing the South China Sea. The Chinese government since 2012 placed the South China sea on pages 8,24 and 46 of the Chinese passport.
World Problems Might Have Caused Pope Francis Fall At Polish Shrine
The head of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, fell to the ground today while walking to an open-air altar at Poland's holiest shrine, Jasna Gora monastery in southern Poland.  The priests surrounding the Pope were quick to help him up again, after he might have been lost in thought and missed a step. He then performed the mass as planned before tens of thousands of faithful.                            
India Denies Visa Extension For Three Xinhua Journalists
There has been harsh words thrown around by the Chinese press after 3 journalists from the Xinhua News agency were denied visa extensions. Xinhua is the biggest news agency in China, and no official reasons have been given for their visa denial. Wu Qiang, Xinhua's New Delhi bureau editor in chief; Tag Lu, Xinhua's Mumbai bureau editor in chief; and She Yonggang, a Xinhua reporter in Mumbai have to leave the country before the July 31st.
Breaking News: Knife-Wielding Man Has Just Killed 15 People In Japan
Police have confirmed 15 people dead  and 45 others injured after a knife-wielding man went on a rampage in a disabled facility in the city of Sagamihara, west of Tokyo.              Police said they received a call at 2:30am in the morning on Tuesday that a man carrying a knife had entered the building. At 3AM, police arrested a young man who turned himself in at the police station in the city.
Medical Marijuana Could Be A Treatment For Marijuana
A new study has shown that a psychoactive ingredient in cannabis could help stimulate the removal of toxic plaque in the brain, a common feature of Alzheimer disease. And as researches continues, medical marijuana could be the new hope in treating Alzheimer patients.                   
Eight Killed As 3 Gunmen Goes On Shooting Rampage In Munich, Germany
Eight people have been killed in Munich, Germany, after 3 gunmen started shooting sporadically, killing and injuring civilians in Germany. The police responded by alerting everyone to stay indoors and avoid public place with large people gathering, as this seems to be the target for the attackers.                      
Unarmed Black Man Taking Care Of Patient Shot By Police In Florida
An unarmed black behavioral therapist, Charles Kinsey, on WMonday was shot 3 times in the leg by police in the state of Florida has he tried taking care of his patient who appears to have an object in his hand.                      The unarmed black man in the video was seen on his back while he tries to explain to the police what he is doing with his patient;
85 Civilians Including Children Mistaken For ISIL Fighters Killed In Syria
Not fewer than 85 people, including children, have been killed in a US led airstrike's targeting ISIS fighters in the Northern Syria. According to a report by a monitoring group, some eight families were all wiped out after the coalition forces attacked a village of Tokhar near Manbij on Tuesday (19 July) known to be controlled by ISIS.
