A 44-year old Anti-Putin blogger, Imran Aliev, 44, has just been found dead in a hotel in Northern France, with is throat sliced, and multiple stab wound on his chest. Aliev is well known for his...
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A healthy and active British lady who before her death had worked with the elderly has ended her life in a Swiss clinic because she is afraid of...

A 27-year-old Moroccan had suffocated after his brother, 34 tries to smuggle him into Spain using a suitcase inside the trunk of a car. The...

A Deputy speaker in charge of upholding standards in the house of the lord has stepped down after a video of him obtained the...

Ibiza, Spain: Alan Drennan, 21, a motor mechanic and part-time bouncer in Belfast has died in his hotel room in Ibiza, less than...

According to the Police Threat or Use of Firearms 2002-2014 statistics report that was published last month, Norwegian policemen...

Ryanair was grounded and swept for bombs after receiving a call from an anonymous caller who said the plane is explosives laden. The anti-bomb...

It is the month of Ramadan where you believed the ISIS militants would lay low and not be in the news, but your thoughts are not ISIS thoughts...

A teaching assistant, Sam Dickety, 23 has been sentenced for 4 years for having sex with a 15 year old student on school premises. Sam was working...

David Cameron has won the UK election and set to lead the country for the next 5 years. Other winners in the election were Chancellor George...