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Donald Trump Ordered Security To Remove Black Students From Rally
Donald Trump doesn't like the whole chant of black lives matter by some black student protesters, and had asked his security aide to send them out of his rally, and also from their school campus where the rally is taking place.                                  
Donald Trump Wins Republican Primary In Nevada While Marco Rubio And Ted Cruz Fight For Second Place
Donald Trump once again won the primaries in Nevada, a three consecutive win that might see him nominated as the preferred Republican candidate for President. Speaking to his supporters after the victory, Donald Trump said;  A couple of months ago we weren't expected to win this one. Of course, if you listen to the pundits, we weren't expected to win too much — and now we're winning, winning, winning the country. Predicting more winnings, Donald Trump said; "it's going to be an amazing two months ... we might not even need the two months."
Plane With 21 People Onboard Missing In Nepal
A Small plane with 21 people have been reported missing after it lost contact with ground service shortly after takeoff. The plane was on a 18 minute flight, to but was seen to be flying in a mountainous area, and the area where the plane is flying does not have any landing strip.                   
Police Arrest Uber Driver Who Randomly Shot 6 People In Michigan
A Uber driver, Jason Dalton, 45, have been apprehended after killing 6 people randomly in Michigan. The four hours attack saw Jason randomly killing his 6 victims and in the process injuring two others at different locations on Saturday.                Police apprehended thelone gunman on Sunday morning. According to the Kalamazoo sheriff County Prosecutor Jeffrey Getting; 
Trumped: Jeb Bush Bows Out Of Republican Nomination Presidential Race After A Loss At South Carolina
Jeb Bush has decided to bow out of the Republican primary today at South Carolina. Jeb Bush, a former Florida governor told supporters at his headquarters in Columbia, South Carolina.                      Bush, who had raised $150million in campaign fund and had only spent $84million before suspending his campaign. Speaking to supporters after the disappointing campaign, he said;
Bill Clinton Had An African-American Son, Refuses To Take Paternity Test
A boy in Arkansas, Danney Williams, 27, is claiming to be Bill Clinton's son. According to Danney, Bill allegedly had an affair with his mother, Bobbie Ann Williams 30 years ago, and this leads to a pregancy, which Bill Clinton denied, and had never acknowledged him as his son.                    
Too Tough: Carly Fiorina Ends Her Presidential Bid
Carly Fiorina ends her republican bid for the presidential nomination. The announcement came on Wednesday after her poor performance in New Hampshire. The supporters and Carly might have seen this coming after she failed to qualify for the ABC'S news debate, and a last minute campaign to make it work also proved unsuccessful.                          
3-Months Old Baby Shot In The Face In Compton
Compton is one famous for producing many hip-hop artistes, and also known for its gang-related violence. Police responded to a gunfire report not far from an elementary school  and found a three month old baby shot dead in the face.                The baby was quickly rushed to the hospital, but the baby was pronounced dead. Police said they saw the men fleeing in a vehicle after the gunfire. No arrest is yet to be made.
Bernie Sanders Won The New Hampshire Democratic Primary, While Donald Trump Won Republican Primary
Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire democratic primary on Tuesday, defeating Hillary Clinton. This is a victory for Bernie Sanders, who was narrowly defeated by Clinton in last week Iowa caucuses.The result of the poll showed Sanders had 59.9% while Clinton had 38.4%.                             While celebrating his victory, Bernie Sanders said;
Many Dead and Hundreds Injured After Two Train Collided In Germany
Several people have died and hundreds injured after a full-packed. The collision happened near the town of Bad Aibling in Bavaria just before 6:50am on Tuesday morning. Local media have reported that at least eight people have died in the accidents, and at least 150 injured, and 15 of the injured victims are seriously injured.                     
Six Students Of Polytechnics Of Ibadan Dead In A Ghastly Motor Accident
Ibadan, Nigeria: A ghastly motor accident on Oyo/Ibadan expressway had killed six members of the Polytechnic Ibadan. The occupants of the bus include staff and students of the Quantity Surveying department of the institution and were going to Oyo state.                
Horrific: Rival Gang Killed A Father, Mother And 9-Month-Old BABY In Mexico
The gang wars in Mexico have been a norm in Mexico for a long time coming, and while El-Chapo is in prison, other gang related violence is still happening in Mexico, and the recent one that shocked the whole world is the recent shooting of a family in Oaxaca, a state in Southern Mexico.                    
Detailed Information About Zika Virus
The Zika virus has just been recently declared by the World Health Organization(WHO) a "public health emergency of international concern." The virus has also led to an epidemic of birth defect in Brazil and it seems to be spreading throughout the Americas. Zika virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947, and have been tagged a minor-league virus and was only limited to equatorial Africa and Asia until recently. The virus is spread by the Aedes mosquito, The mosquito bites the infected person and carry it to the next victims.
Nigerian Army Release Statement On Female Cadet Torturing Innocent Civilians
A video of a female cadet torturing a civilian had caused outrage among Nigerians since it was released on the internet. According to the video, the cadet punished the young man because he said the lady looks beautiful. Reacting via Twitter, the Nigerian army released a statement condemning the action, and promised to look into the unruly behaviour by the cadets. Read the tweets from the Nigerian army PRO.
Man Chokes To Death On McDonalds Burger After Prank Goes Wrong
Darren Bray, 29, and father of three from Barry in South Wales while having fun with his friends choked to death after rolling a McDonald's burger into a ball, and thrusting it inside his mouth. Darren while enjoying a night out with his friends said "Watch this" before trying to eat the ball, causing him to choke to death.                  Sam Bisgrove who was with him at the night of the sad incident said;
ISIS Feeds Fighters With Drugs That Turn Them Into Zombies And Mass Murderers
A rebel group in Syria, Al Nusra, helping in the fight against ISIS has uncovered a drug known as Captagon in one of ISIS factories, and have seized the stash. The drug, according to report is used to create an army of "Jihadi Junkies".
Watch Video Of Nigeria Military Cadet Torturing Man After He Said She Is Beautiful
A video has surfaced on the internet showing how some group of cadet tortured an innocent man mercilessly because he had told one of the girls in the cadet she is "beautiful". According to the 3 minute video, a man was shown on his knees while a military lady slapped him, accusing him of calling her beautiful.                  
Women Sentenced To Six Years After Returning From Syria With Her Son With Intention To Join ISIS
Tareena Shakil, 26, a British woman who took her son with her to Syria to join ISIS, but fled back was sentenced to six years in jail. Tareena was sentenced to jail for encouraging others to join the Islamic state and also being a member of the group. Tareena on October 2014, took her one year old son to Turkey, then crossed to Syria. But three months after joining the group, she took a taxi from Raqqa to the Turkish border and return to Britain. She was picked up by counter terrorism police in Heathrow airport in February 2015, and her son had since been taken into social care.
Footage Emerged Of Nursery Worker Attacking A Young Boy While He Sleeps In Florida
A secretly filmed footage of a nursery worker hitting a young boy while he sleeps have been released. The video shows an employee of the Children's Palace Learning Center in Florida, Kimberly Marie Reid, swinging a stuffed animal at a four year old boy while sleeping. The video also shows Reid lifting the young boy and tossing him back to the floor.                
English Teacher, Christopher Paul Heath Stabbed In The Chest By Cambodian Girlfriend
A British English teacher in Cambodia, Christopher Paul Heath, got stabbed by his Khmer girlfriend yesterday in their rented house in Toul Kork district. According to local news report, the neighbours had called the police after Christopher screamed for help.                  
