A lady has decided to share the story of how she was raped by a guitar player and a friend of his boyfriend. She was raped overnight till the next day, because she was tired and the boy thought she was enjoying the sex..It is horrible, and this like every other rapes affected her. Read the story of these poor lady, and please be careful out there.

Read the Story :
When I was 16, I had had a boyfriend who was five years older than me. We had been together for three months and I was very interested in him and I visited him often in the house, which he lived with two other guys. It was a place that looks rough and old with shower in the basement and was little untidy and grubby, but I do love him and we had sex, which was not so nice to do at home, since i live with my own parents.
We often sat in the kitchen in the evening with his friends and had a good time. We Often played with one of his friends, who played the guitar while we sang. They were all very musical and because singing has always been one of my passions, it was fantastic. I loved being there and felt that I could be myself.
One evening after 8 o'clock, when there were only two of us and a guitar player (my boyfriend's flatmate), My boyfriend told me that i could not sleep with him that night. I wondered why and asked why he had not just said that before the last bus left so I could go home.He said he did not and was sorry, but told me to sleep on a mattress in the guitar player's room. Unfortunately, I could not sleep in the living room, because it was under renovation or the other friend's room, because he had locked his door.
At a time when it was completely dark, I woke up and there was something that touched me between my legs. It was of course the guitar player. I cried, but he lay just heavily over me, held me down and put one hand over my mouth. The other was still between my legs and became more eager and overbearing than before. He told me there was no use crying to alert my boyfriend, so he would remove his hand so he could hear me groan while we have sex.
I cried again and again and tried to get him off me. He was a great man with lots of bulging muscles from lifting weights, so I could not even move him an inch. He just laughed and continued. And my boyfriend did not come, though I certainly must have awakened him with my screams.
Guitar player told me that my boyfriend would not come, because he owed a lot of money in rent. And since he had no money, I was paying for my boyfriend, he told me how he talked all the time about how sweet I was and how good I was in bed, so now, he would rather have me than the money.
I was raped many times that night. Not just at the guitar player's room, but also around the house, as he showers in the basement and on the kitchen table. And I did not hear or see my boyfriend. Finally, I was so exhausted by the fighting that I did not even put up resistance, but just did exactly what guitar player ordered me.
In the morning he fell asleep with an arm and a leg over me. I was crying as quietly as possible, I did not go to wake my boyfriend. I later heard my boyfriend come towards the room and stop at the front door of guitar's player for a long time. He knocked quietly on the door and whispered my name, before he finally gave up and went away to work. I did not call him or cried for help, because I was no longer in doubt that the guitar player had told the truth. It was impossible to sleep through the noise that had been at night.
As a guitar player wakes up, he began again and used various styles this time. I cooperated and pretended I enjoyed it, although it did even more evil than at night. Already there I thought it was my own fault.
In the afternoon, he drove me home and gave me a big handful of bills in his hand and said, the tip for a good sex. He also said that I was welcome at any time, because I was a good and an obedient little whore. And that he would pay me well every time. Then he drove away.
The money I burned in a metal bucket with my T-shirt and panties.
I never returned or confronted my 'boyfriend.' But he came to see me once outside my school and apologized. He explained himself that he had not known what to do at the time. He could not be thrown out because he owed too much money around and could not afford the deposit on a new place.
And besides, his friend said that I had enjoyed at least,It would have been sad, if i never did.
It took eight years before I again went to bed with a man and many, many more years before I could start to enjoy sex a little bit.
My first orgasm with a man (since the rape), I experienced only a little over two years ago, when I found a boyfriend who is dominant and who gives me the hard sex that I obviously need now. He is the only one I've told this, although we have hard sex, so he fits at me and gives me lots of love and tenderness.
He has encouraged me to write my story and maybe get some demons out this way. I'm probably as close to happy as I can ever be in a relationship, "said the woman on the website The Everyday Sexism Project , which is a page documenting women and helping women on sex rape or harassment.