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Tips For Woman On How To Cover Up Domestic Violence Abuse Spark Outrage In Morocco
A morning Tv show recently has sparked outrage after it decided to air tips for woman on how they can cover up their facial bruises after a domestic violence incident.  The tutorial was first shown on TV, and was later published to their YouTube channel page, 2M on November 23rd.             
Donald Trump Thinks Illegal Voters Voted In The Election He Won
Donald Trump once again is shooting himself in the leg with his recent twitter tirade. The President-elect who won the electoral college vote, but lost the popular vote claimed on Twitter he would have won the popular vote if illegal votes were not counted.                       While there is no evidence of illegal votes or voters,but Trump went on Twitter tirade, writing;
Angela Merkel To Deport 100,000 Refugees From Germany
Angela Merkel sounds to have regretted her decision in allowing million of immigrants from Africa and East Africa into Germany last year, the open border policy has not only affected her popularity among Germans, but also affected her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, after a series of local election results.                The leader told MPs from her party last week;
Letter to California Mosque Ask Muslims To Leave The United State Or Trump Will Do It
As Americans still writhe in the surprise victory of Donald J. Trump in the November election, a mosque in Northern California has just received a letter in the mail asking the Muslim community to leave the United States as there is a new sheriff in town (Donald Trump) and “He’s going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews.”              
Notorious Paedophile That Raped 3-month Old Baby Died In Prison After Inmates Plans To Kill Him
A notorious UK Paedophile, James King has committed suicide while in prison as he feared fellow inmates would 'sugared' – doused with a sugar and hot water solution which causes painful burns, the court heard. James King, who was also known as Robin Hollyson had served four months into his 24 year sentence after a video of him raping a 3-month old baby appeared in court.                     
Cuban Leader, Fidel Castro Is Dead At 90
Former President Fidel Castro is dead. The former Cuban leader defied 10 American presidents, and adopted Soviet-style communism, and was also the last communist government in the Western Hemisphere. Fidel Castro died at 90 years old.                   
Trump Picks Betsy DeVos As Education Secretary
As the President-elect, Donald Trump continues picking people that will run his administration, he has picked his Michigan billionaire and conservative activist, Betsy DeVos, as Education Secretary.  The name Betsy DeVos might not be a household name, but the billionaire has helped change education landscape in many states by spending millions of dollars in a successful push to expand voucher programs that give families taxpayer dollars to pay for private and religious schools.
John Bobbit Talks About The Gruesome Detail Of When Wife Cut Off Penis
It was one of the most shocking news of 1993, that got men everywhere holding their breath as they read how Lorena Bobbitt cut off her then husband's penis, John Wayne Bobbitt off him, and later throw it in a nearby grassy field, a couple of miles from the house.                      
Hampshire College Have Decided To Remove US Flag From Campus After Donald Trump Victory
A US college has decided to remove the American flag from its campus after the president-elect victory in the 2016 election. The college first lowered the flag following the announcement of Donald Trump victory, and after few days that the country celebrate Veteran’s Day, the flag was removed from the pole and burned.             
Donald Trump Pick Critic, Nikki Haley As UN Ambassador
President-elect Donald Trump in his bid to make America great again is looking past those who had critized his style of campaign in the election, and instead inviting them to work with him in his administration. Donald Trump today picks a former critic for a key foreign policy post. The president-elect picked South-Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.                    
Donald Trump Will Not Appoint Special Prosecutor To Investigate Hillary Clinton Private Email Server
Donald Trump is backing out from yet another campaign promise. The President-elect during his campaign had said that he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her use of private email server. The news during the campaign that she would lock her up when elected president, makes his supporter chants "lock her up" at every campaign rally.           
Video: Donald Trump Outlines His Plan For 100 Days In Office
Donald J. Trump once again ditched the media and decided to go with his favourite tool, social media to announce his plans for the 100 days in office. The President-elect releases a video talking about the core principle of his campaign and administration "putting America first," by laying out his executive plans for his first 100 days.              
Historian Finds A Document That Banished Trump Grandfather From Germany
President-elect Donald Trump grandfather,Friedrich Trump, a German, was reportedly banned from Germany after he failed to do military service. A historian has discovered a royal decree that was issued to Friedrich Trump asking him to leave Germany and never come back.
Black Man In A Hoodie Shot White Police Officer In The Head In San Antonio,Texas
There is a manhunt for a black man that shot a policeman in the head during a traffic stop, as he writes out a traffic ticket outside the police HQ in San Antonio, Texas. The police officer, Detective Benjamin Marconi, 50, a 20-year veteran of the department.                  
Chinese Man Beat Parents For Buying An Apartment Too Small For Him
A Chinese man is not happy with his parents after he found out they bought him a small apartment for his wedding.              According to a video which has now gone viral, the man was seen bitterly complaining and beating his parents because he feels the apartment they had bought him for his wedding his too small.
Read Profile Of Donald Trump New Cabinet Members
Donald Trump is preparing for office, and also picking people that will work with him to "Make America Great Again."                  Five people have now been picked by the President-elect, Donald Trump, and they are:
Vietnam Pulls Out Of President Obama TPP Policy Amid Trump Win
One of President Obama legacy is the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and one of the reason for Obama visit to Vietnam in May this year, and it was about to be signed and confirmed by the Vietnam legislature, before deferring it to after the U.S presidential election.                   
Watch Hillary Clinton First Public Appearance Speech After Election
Hillary Clinton has decided not to curl with books or her dogs, but instead stepped out after she lost the election to business mogul, Donald Trump. She was recently seen at the Charity gala for the Children’s Defence Fund in Washington ON Wednesday night. She said in her speech; "I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me, There have been a few times this past week where all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book and our dogs and never leave the house again"
35-Year Old Dead American Man Dead From Drug Overdose
A 35-year-old American man, Christensen Jordan Caleb, has been reported dead after police examined his body at the Eighty8 Backpackers Hostel which is located along Street 88, sangkat Wat Phnom, khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. The body of the man was examined on the evening of November 8,2016 at bed No.10 of room No.8 on the 1st floor of the hostel.
Tension Between Bill And Hillary Clinton Days After She Lost The Election
There is trouble in paradise for the Clintons, days after Hillary Clinton lost the election to Business mogul, Donald Trump. According to Bill Clinton’s closest advisers who was with him in Bill's Little Rock penthouse, there was a shouting match between who was to blame for Hillary losing the election to Trump.
