In the age of security and privacy, Whatsapp and Facebook does not seem to get the memo, and have ignored a security flaw that was raised in 2019 by a Twitter user, ...
Application & Software
News and blog on new software or application. We also write to help you DIY

The Viber chat app now added an icon to it's chat application, called the public chat room. With the public chat room, users can peek into the...
A lot of internet browsers are now out there, the only issue is selecting the best one for your usage. The selection of my own personal browsers...
Google Chrome is one of the fastest browsers out there and almost 98% of website reviews will placed it as number 1 of browsers.Aside from the...

This is a list of some Anti-virus softwares I tried in the past week, and I am going to share with you which is nice and which one gave me...
Since I installed my copy of Windows 8, I never had the chance to connect to Windows 8 store. I had done all I could do, but they all seem not to...

This tutorial will show you how to fix windows DLL issue when you install .msi file. Also you won't be able to install some software you download...

A new trend on twitter shows that facebook, the biggest social networking website went down for 15mins. The shutdown came as a surprise when more...

This is another section of DIY(Do-IT-Yourself) section, but we will be completing our store profile this week. Before now, i have shared with you...

If you are here and about to enjoy this good read, i will advise you go ahead and read my previous post on the set-up you need to start this. You...

For the past few years, E-commerce business is one of the lucrative business for physical stores. A lot of stores have seen increases in their...