Five Saudis have now been sentenced to death for the death of Jaml Khashoggi, a critic of the Saudi government, who was killed in the Saudi's embassy in Instanbul, Turkey. Another three others...
Middle East
With the start of the New Year, Donald Trump is letting go of Iran for now, and directing his latest tweet to Pakistan, labeling the country a...

Two people have now been reported dead after a nationwide protest in Iran calling for the end of their government. The current protest in Iran has...

Should President Vladmir Putin be worried in the next year elections? Yesterday, more than 15,000 endorsed the Presidency aspiration of Alexei...

President Putin in his new marathon annual Q&A session praises his new American counterpart, President Donald Trump.
Speaking to 1,600...

ISIS might be on the way out of the terrorism list as the group continues to suffers a series of defeats in Iraq. ISIS fighters now for fear of...

"We are here to stay, forever," is the vow prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making with Israelis at the celebration of the 50th anniversary...

Abu Qutaiba, one of ISIS’ Friday prayer leaders will not be meeting his 72 virgins after the group burnt him alive for slightly confirming the...

A Russian man has been detained and charged with 729 charges of rape. The man allegedly had sex with his five foster daughters, the girls are aged...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi might have died following a Russian airstrike in May 28. The Russian defence ministry said that it is now investigating the...

Police have arrested Mr Putin critic, Alexei Navalny ahead of his Anti-Kremlin nationwide protest in Moscow. The news was confirmed by Mr ...